We are very proud to offer a range of sports, clubs and activities at NCPS. These extracurricular activities are run by volunteers-h;our own staff-h;often with the help of parents or other community members.
Extracurricular activities are a great way for students to meet peers with similar interests. It's also a chance for students to explore their passions and interests outside of the classroom.
This year at NCPS:
Current Sports include Cross-Country, Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Baseball and Track & Field.
Current Clubs include Art Program, Green Team, Spirit Squad, Drum Circle, Choir, Chess, Yearbook, Gauss Math, and Red Maple/Silver Birch/Forest of Reading.
Flag Football 2021-22 - September - October
Coach: Mr. Surowiec
Game Dates: To be announced
Permission forms available on School Cash Online (no cost)